Streaming final agent output
If you only want the final output of an agent to be streamed, you can use the callback FinalStreamingStdOutCallbackHandler
For this, the underlying LLM has to support streaming as well.
from langchain.agents import load_tools
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent
from langchain.agents import AgentType
from langchain.callbacks.streaming_stdout_final_only import (
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
API Reference:
- load_tools from
- initialize_agent from
- AgentType from
- OpenAI from
Let's create the underlying LLM with streaming = True
and pass a new instance of FinalStreamingStdOutCallbackHandler
llm = OpenAI(
streaming=True, callbacks=[FinalStreamingStdOutCallbackHandler()], temperature=0
tools = load_tools(["wikipedia", "llm-math"], llm=llm)
agent = initialize_agent(
tools, llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=False
"It's 2023 now. How many years ago did Konrad Adenauer become Chancellor of Germany."
Konrad Adenauer became Chancellor of Germany in 1949, 74 years ago in 2023.
'Konrad Adenauer became Chancellor of Germany in 1949, 74 years ago in 2023.'
Handling custom answer prefixes
By default, we assume that the token sequence "Final", "Answer", ":"
indicates that the agent has reached an answers. We can, however, also pass a custom sequence to use as answer prefix.
llm = OpenAI(
FinalStreamingStdOutCallbackHandler(answer_prefix_tokens=["The", "answer", ":"])
For convenience, the callback automatically strips whitespaces and new line characters when comparing to answer_prefix_tokens
. I.e., if answer_prefix_tokens = ["The", " answer", ":"]
then both ["\nThe", " answer", ":"]
and ["The", " answer", ":"]
would be recognized a the answer prefix.
If you don't know the tokenized version of your answer prefix, you can determine it with the following code:
from langchain.callbacks.base import BaseCallbackHandler
class MyCallbackHandler(BaseCallbackHandler):
def on_llm_new_token(self, token, **kwargs) -> None:
# print every token on a new line
llm = OpenAI(streaming=True, callbacks=[MyCallbackHandler()])
tools = load_tools(["wikipedia", "llm-math"], llm=llm)
agent = initialize_agent(
tools, llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=False
"It's 2023 now. How many years ago did Konrad Adenauer become Chancellor of Germany."
API Reference:
- BaseCallbackHandler from
Also streaming the answer prefixes
When the parameter stream_prefix = True
is set, the answer prefix itself will also be streamed. This can be useful when the answer prefix itself is part of the answer. For example, when your answer is a JSON like
"action": "Final answer",
"action_input": "Konrad Adenauer became Chancellor 74 years ago."
and you don't only want the action_input to be streamed, but the entire JSON.