LLM Symbolic Math
This notebook showcases using LLMs and Python to Solve Algebraic Equations. Under the hood is makes use of SymPy.
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.chains.llm_symbolic_math.base import LLMSymbolicMathChain
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
llm_symbolic_math = LLMSymbolicMathChain.from_llm(llm)
API Reference:
- OpenAI from
- LLMSymbolicMathChain from
Integrals and derivates
llm_symbolic_math.run("What is the derivative of sin(x)*exp(x) with respect to x?")
'Answer: exp(x)*sin(x) + exp(x)*cos(x)'
"What is the integral of exp(x)*sin(x) + exp(x)*cos(x) with respect to x?"
'Answer: exp(x)*sin(x)'
Solve linear and differential equations
llm_symbolic_math.run('Solve the differential equation y" - y = e^t')
'Answer: Eq(y(t), C2*exp(-t) + (C1 + t/2)*exp(t))'
llm_symbolic_math.run("What are the solutions to this equation y^3 + 1/3y?")
'Answer: {0, -sqrt(3)*I/3, sqrt(3)*I/3}'
llm_symbolic_math.run("x = y + 5, y = z - 3, z = x * y. Solve for x, y, z")
'Answer: (3 - sqrt(7), -sqrt(7) - 2, 1 - sqrt(7)), (sqrt(7) + 3, -2 + sqrt(7), 1 + sqrt(7))'