Fauna is a Document Database.
Query Fauna
#!pip install fauna
Query data example
from langchain.document_loaders.fauna import FaunaLoader
secret = "<enter-valid-fauna-secret>"
query = "Item.all()" # Fauna query. Assumes that the collection is called "Item"
field = "text" # The field that contains the page content. Assumes that the field is called "text"
loader = FaunaLoader(query, field, secret)
docs = loader.lazy_load()
for value in docs:
API Reference:
- FaunaLoader from
Query with Pagination
You get a after
value if there are more data. You can get values after the curcor by passing in the after
string in query.
To learn more following this link
query = """
Item.paginate("hs+DzoPOg ... aY1hOohozrV7A")
loader = FaunaLoader(query, field, secret)