📄️ Cassandra Chat Message History
Apache Cassandra® is a NoSQL, row-oriented, highly scalable and highly available database, well suited for storing large amounts of data.
📄️ Dynamodb Chat Message History
This notebook goes over how to use Dynamodb to store chat message history.
📄️ Entity Memory with SQLite storage
In this walkthrough we'll create a simple conversation chain which uses ConversationEntityMemory backed by a SqliteEntityStore.
📄️ Momento Chat Message History
This notebook goes over how to use Momento Cache to store chat message history using the MomentoChatMessageHistory class. See the Momento docs for more detail on how to get set up with Momento.
📄️ Mongodb Chat Message History
This notebook goes over how to use Mongodb to store chat message history.
📄️ Motörhead Memory
Motörhead is a memory server implemented in Rust. It automatically handles incremental summarization in the background and allows for stateless applications.
📄️ Motörhead Memory (Managed)
Motörhead is a memory server implemented in Rust. It automatically handles incremental summarization in the background and allows for stateless applications.
📄️ Postgres Chat Message History
This notebook goes over how to use Postgres to store chat message history.
📄️ Redis Chat Message History
This notebook goes over how to use Redis to store chat message history.
📄️ Zep Memory
REACT Agent Chat Message History with Zep - A long-term memory store for LLM applications.